Let the dust settle

Photo Dec 02, 10 56 29 AM (1).jpg

There is something so strangely refreshing to me about the demo stage of the renovation process. All of our projects thus far have required pretty much everything in the house getting torn to pieces, ripped out, and scraped down to the studs to start fresh. It’s VERY messy! There is years worth of dust, dirt, and grime floating throughout the home as the demo process unfolds, but, once complete, the dust settles and a new era begins.

I often find myself standing back and looking upon the mess with sheer awe and appreciation. It reminds me of our earthly journey as human beings… sometimes in life “stuff" hits the fan and we have to shed years worth of bad habits, attitudes, relationships, mindsets - whatever it is - to push the reset button and start anew. Getting to that point can be rather messy, uncomfortable, even painful, but often times when you get to the other side and look back on it, you end up feeling lighter, more appreciative, and maybe even thankful for the mess you went through.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.” It may be hard or even impossible to hear it or believe it, but whatever mess you are going through right now, my friend, there is purpose behind it - there is beauty to be found on the other side, I assure you! God is with you. He is for you. And He is preparing you for what you’ve been praying for.

As in the lyrics to “Graves Into Gardens” by Elevation Worship:

"Because the God of the mountain is the God of the valley...
You turn mourning to dancing.
You give beauty for ashes.
You turn shame into glory.
You’re the only one who can.
There’s nothing better than You."

I urge you to lean into God in your messy seasons. He has all of the love, comfort, joy and answers you need.


Praise him in the hallway